Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Humber River

The Humber River also runs through James Gardens as it makes its way south to Lake Ontario but it wasn't shown in yesterday's mural so I am showing you a pic of the river just downstream from the gardens. It looks quite peaceful here but like all rivers can be dangerous at times so all along the shore of the river is now floodplains and parks.


  1. Sensible idea not to have anything built in the floodplain - unfortunately, that good practice is a bit late for many places!

  2. I looks very peaceful but, I know what you mean about dangerous. Rivers do get wild from time to time.

  3. Hello, it is a pretty view of the River and falls. Enjoy your day and have a happy week ahead!

  4. The city learned that one the hard way with Hazel decades ago. Lovely spot!

  5. such a pretty spot there. The pillar is very unusual looking!

  6. Nice to have sites like this made accessible.

  7. the river looks great and wide

  8. It's a beautiful photo, Pat. I've experienced the pull of a mlld river current and didn't like it one bit. Best to keep folks away from the water for their own safety.

  9. The river looks good in this image. Down here, the Connecticut River is slow and lazy most of the year, but it can overflow onto the flood plains if the winter has had a lot of snow and/or the spring has had a lot of rain.

  10. Named after the River Humber in England? Makes me think of the Andrew Marvell line.

  11. I am feeling serene just looking at this. Lovely shot!

  12. It usually takes a disaster to herald the changes, has the Humber flooded before Pat?
