Monday, June 27, 2016

"Our Community At Sunset"

This is the mural on the west side of Royal York Rd opposite to the one I have been showing the last few weeks. It was done by the same artist, Emilia Jajus, in 2015 and shows some of the historically significant landmarks in the neighborhood. This first section of the 80 ft long mural shows James Gardens as it might have looked in 1908 when it was the garden of "Red Gables", the summer house of Frederick and Margaret James. I have shown you a lot of pics of James gardens which you can see by clicking the label below but this pic (HERE) from last year shows you a view looking up from the pond along the feeder stream that you can see in the mural. The gardens have been a public park since 1955 and are very popular for photo sessions. 
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. What a beautiful scene, Pat, a very nice mural indeed !

  2. wonderful how it wraps around the corner

  3. The colours are just wonderful in this scene! Love it!

  4. That is so nice...serene and colorful. A feel-good painting. 80 feet long? Zounds!

  5. What a calm feeling mural. Perfect of a busy underpass to settle the nerves of those passing by. Like the way the plants above the mural blend right into it.

  6. Hello, what a pretty mural, I love the scene. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  7. Great mural reminds me of a garden pond

  8. What a beauty! Will have to head up there soon.

  9. It looks like the artist did a good job of capturing the beauty of the place.

  10. THis is a really nice one. Love the colors.

  11. Seems you and I were in the same "time zone" today. :-)

  12. I love this and cannot imagine being able to create this beauty on such a large scale.

  13. I like that very much indeed. Wonderful colours - it's somehow alive.

  14. A beautiful mural. Takes a talented person to do that!

  15. Very pretty mural Pat, especially with the real greenery spilling over the top!
