Saturday, July 16, 2016

East Wing

This is the east wing of the Ontario Legislative building located at Queen's Park. I've shown you the exterior a few times and thought it was time to see part of the inside. The building was finished in1893 and this wing shows the Victorian style with its dark wood. Tomorrow I'll show you the west wing which is quite different.


  1. Beautiful! I've only passed through the grounds, and never gone in.

  2. That is quite beautiful. I love long spaces like this especially when they have so much detail.

  3. I've always had a strong affection for these kinds of buildings. They are from a bygone era when quality control was important and beauty to be achieved in even as mundane a thing as a building!

  4. Classic vanishing horizon line.

  5. Lovely photo of this very stately interior of the Legislative building. Imagine all the political discussions that have occurred here.

  6. Everything about it is beautiful, esp the skylight~
