Wednesday, July 27, 2016


There are so many food trucks around and they all have catchy names and great graphics. This one is Rancho Relaxo which serves Mexican staples such as fish tacos, etc. They also have a restaurant which I must try!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Interesting, Pat, we here don't have many food trucks, normally only a few at street markets and fairs.

  2. That sounds like a place I might like.

  3. Fish tacos are fab.. food trucks are so popular everywhere now Pat, such a good idea but sometimes I wonder how cafes and restaurants feel about them 😃

  4. Gourmet food trucks are the latest rage. If their fish tacos are as good as their name, I would love one, or two, or three...

  5. The biggest challenge is attract attention! Here we see really fun names on foodtrucks. This is a nice one!

  6. Even here food trucks are popular.

  7. Not so many food trucks here. I think it's so hot no one wants to stand outside and eat! :) Rancho Relaxo is a funny name. How does one relax with too generous a helping of hot sauce? :))

  8. You see them here on the side of a road. Haven't tried them but I guess they wouldn't be there if no people came.

  9. Those rolling kitchen can really shine in their decoration. I must say that this one is a bit modest especially for a mexican one.

  10. Even the word "relax" sounds more relaxing with an "o" at the end of it. :)

  11. Anything BBQ that someone else cooks I am more than willing to eat. Looks like this one is not yet open for business.

  12. Mexican is my go to comfort food! Nice truck sign.

  13. Some of our food trucks have been branching off in recent years into things that are beyond the usual fare.

  14. All the rage here in D.C., too.

  15. I would like to try their fish tacos!

  16. I would like to wander into Toronto and find some of these food trucks (we have none, so sad)

  17. Since we have a lot of open air markets, food trucks are not such a "new and trendy" thing. I do love them though! Wish we had a good Mexican place here, most places here that claim to be "Mexican" serve burgers!

  18. Sounds like a great place to try! We have so many of them around here as well! Funny thing a few high school graduation parties had food trucks! That seemed so strange to me.
