Friday, September 23, 2016

A Park Reinvented

Last week I went to James Gardens and found that it had been taken over by a film crew who were intent on creating a 16th century atmosphere for the filming of "Reign" which is a fantasy, historical, romance TV show about Mary, Queen of Scots. All of the modern park benches had been removed from this area and this faux patio was set up by the gardens. All of the pieces were lightweight hollow foam and not the real thing. I'm sure we will be back to the 21st century next time I go by!


  1. Could have fooled me! It all looks authentic!

  2. Sounds like times flies both ways there :)

  3. Many things are never the way they appear.

  4. Ah, as Tom rightly says, things are not always as they seem... I had a friend who was into fantasy filming and had a vast array of nasty realistic looking weapons, all made of foam. Apparently, they add the clashing of steel and the crunching of bones etc onto the soundtrack later... :-)

  5. Gosh! That sounds like a lot of work.

  6. Gosh! That sounds like a lot of work.

  7. I've always been impressed with the "special" effects that the Movie/TV industry is able to create. Well, excepting the car crashes and explosions!). This setup does look very real. I'll probably pass on the show, though. Hope it doesn't rain on "Reign." :)

  8. I had an aunt and uncle who had a formal garden behind their house in Illinois. At the end of the garden there was a concrete fence that looked much like the one you have pictured here. it was the "real" thing. Unfortunately they are now gone, and so is their house and garden.

  9. That little bit of 16th century make believe is rather appealing Pat 😊

  10. Now I know the TV show! I really like the little statues here!

  11. Looks pretty realistic. They go to so much trouble for these shows.

  12. Fun watching movie and TV folks at their craft.

  13. The film, and its great inventions !!
