Saturday, September 24, 2016

Don't Fall In

This is a pic from James Gardens taken a few weeks ago. The open grassy area in the middle is the section I showed you yesterday with the faux stonework set up for a shoot for a TV show. Anyone approaching the duck pond immediately attracts the attention of every duck in the area hoping to be fed and since this young guy had a few pieces of bread he was a real attraction for them. There are signs everywhere saying not to feed the animals but few people pay any heed to them!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. What a fun moment to capture! I wonder what TV show it is and how cool it would be if we have it here and I would catch it!

  2. Great shot but I take it the giant tortoise on the far side is a sculpture?

  3. I love little bridges like that. Nice photo/memory!

  4. Looks like a great moment in the park, but I do agree with the signs. Feeding bread to ducks is not good for the ducks, and can make them become a nuisance, so it isn't good for people either.

  5. I'm strangely reminded of Hitchcock and The Birds with this shot.

  6. Hello, that is a hungry group of ducks. Great critter photo.

    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  7. The ducks are hoping people will just ignore those do not feed signs, they don't mind. :)

  8. We have Don't Feed signs in our park and folk just ignore them. But it's the geese that are problematic rather than the ducks.
    By the way, thanks for the tip about zinc lozenges for colds. I managed to get some so I'm trying them. My cold is getting better but only slowly, so hopefully they will help it on its way.

  9. Ducks know if there is food anywhere around!

  10. Ha! Ha! Like the Feeding of the Five Thousand. :-)

  11. Keep feeding them and they will stay here for the winter.

  12. Wonderful shot! I hear ducks quacking!
    Have a good day!

  13. He'll have to dispense that bread crumb by crumb to feed them all Pat 😊 At first I thought the huge tortoise on the other side was real.. it's not is it ☺☺

  14. Look at all of those ducks! (I never have understood the appeal of feeding ducks . . . )

  15. Large gathering of ducks in the park 😊

  16. O parque é lindo e a imagem com os patos é extraordinária.
