Thursday, October 27, 2016

It's Coming!

This little house always does a big job decorating for Halloween and this year is no different. I haven't been by after dark but I do wonder if any of the props light up. The top of each picket on the fence has an evil-looking bat sitting there.
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. Obviously Halloween is one of their favourite holidays!

  2. Halloween decorating is right up there with Christmas.

  3. The spider over the doorway would certainly get my attention. Well done.

  4. I find that giant spider more than a little intimidating.

  5. Now that is putting in the effort!

  6. I have been amazed over the years at how Halloween decorating became the equivalent and sometimes even surpassed that for the Christmas holiday.

  7. Halloween is big $$ these days. It's fun to see and photograph them but I wouldn't want to buy any of that. They have a big festival over here in Derry which attracts thousands of people. Who knew. :)

  8. The spider is out of this world.

  9. They take their decorations seriously!

  10. This is soooo interesting. Why, I'd die to get into that cemetery!

  11. oh, i just love that part of their decor is a great gate (and fence)!

  12. It sure is, and it seems more and more every year! It's great fun to me.

  13. Yep, a lot of crazy stuff going up at houses around here, too. :-)

  14. They know how to decorate. Loving the big spider, the coffin and the details on the fence.

  15. They really have the right taste to make this an interesting Halloween.

  16. Great Halloween photo for fences ~ Wow~

    Wishing you a delightful weekend ~ ^_^

  17. I love it! That spider over the door looks very intimidating.

  18. Good grief that;s taking it a bit far.

  19. Hello, great fence find. I like the decorations too. BTW an answer to your question on my blog. Yes, hubby and I are snow birds now. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  20. Hello!:) Wonderful decor for Halloween. I also like that huge spider. We don't decorate our gardens here in Portugal, but it would be fun if we did.

  21. There's no way I would walk through that door Pat, even though I know it's fake 😊 My 7 year old great nephew has a big black rubber spider that he likes to scare me with, little horror ☺☺

  22. Quite the spider :)
    Have a Great Day, Pat!
    Peace :)

  23. Yes, it sure is coming. I get to stand at the door and hand out candy to the kids while Willa gets taken around the neighborhood from door to door.

    And, in response to your question, yes, the dogs will be coming, though they aren't here yet. The move was complicated enough with two adults and a toddler, so they left the dogs back in Joburg. They will probably be shipped in a month or two. The timing will depend on whether they end up renting or buying and whether the property is fenced or has one of those wired dog containment systems. But, they will definitely be coming.
