Friday, October 28, 2016

It's All A Facade

This building is found on Bloor St in the most expensive commercial block in town. The site had been the location of the University Theatre from 1949 to 1986 and the theatre held 1,300 seats and showed on a single huge screen. Despite efforts to save it in the 80s, developers took over the site and were required to retain the unusual curved facade of the building while construction continued behind. Unfortunately the real estate market crashed at that time and the facade sat untended for more than 10 years and had to be torn down. This is an exact reproduction of the original facade!


  1. kind of neat they recreated it. :)

  2. It must be that retro revival movement that's in now, as I like it!

  3. Hated it when our big screen was torn down! Progress sometimes really interferes with the enjoyment of life and simple pleasures.

  4. It looks good; but you do wonder, don't you?!

  5. They did a great job, but even more surprising is how you also have Pottery Barn and Pottery Barn for Kids! It's like my daughter and two daughters in law favorite place to shop! Of course I've spent a few many dollars there myself!

  6. Love the facade, but a Pottery Barn?

  7. It looks very nice. At least they were able to keep the memory of the old place alive.

  8. They did a really good job with the restoration Pat, it has the feel of an o!d theatre about it even though not used as such, shame that 😊

  9. I remember the University Theatre. I have been there to see a few movies. Checkout this link

  10. Cool that they came back and recreated it!

  11. An interesting recreation. I've probably passed by this building- that seems familiar.

  12. They did an excellent job recreating a nice looking building. I never heard of Pottery Barn.

  13. Hey! I'm a big fan of Pottery Barn. :-)

  14. That's awesome that they re-created it. :)

  15. Impressive that they retained this unusual facade. But, Pottery Barn probably makes so much money that they could easily afford to do it.
