Sunday, October 9, 2016

Stone House

I showed you the grand entrance to the back garden of this Forest Hill home back in August (HERE) and thought I should show you the house itself so went by for a nice autumn pic. I love the long shadows at this time of year. This is a beautiful neighbourhood with so many large trees that its name is quite suitable.


  1. Beautiful house surrounded by trees! Mature trees make such a difference to a neighbourhood, I've been fighting for more in my area!

  2. Fall light really is special, and you have used it to show this house at a perfect time.

  3. All those beautiful trees really make this a wonderful place to live and also for you to photograph.

  4. That is, as you know, my kind of house. There are some like this down here, but not many and very few new ones are built in this manner except for prople with several extra millions of dollars. Trees are wonderful but they can be a problem in hurricane country. We have a lot of Water Oaks and they go tumbling down without a whole lot of effort. The Live Oaks are much sturdier. Fortunately, the is Live Oak country, with rolling hills and lots and lots of thoroughbred farms..

  5. Stone houses appeal to me and this one is no exception.

  6. Calls to me of my back east childhood, Pat. Lovely photo

  7. That is a gorgeous, stone house.

  8. How I like these old stone houses, Pat !

  9. Lovely, lovely house. I'll take it.
