Thursday, November 3, 2016


I took this pic 3 weeks ago in the apple orchard at Spadina House. None of these trees had started to turn colour yet but I haven't been back since so it may be different today. I just liked the view under the trees!


  1. They look beautifully tended Pay, a bit like my new tree in the back garden 😊

  2. Apple really don't get much in the way of fall color.

  3. They are still in full leaf back then but I don't see any apples on the ground so they must have been picked!

  4. I love apples and I like your view of the orchard. I imagine there is some wildlife in the area who love to feast on the apples.

  5. Where have all the apples gone? This is such a beautiful orchard.

  6. The way the weather is going here there should be apples on them in January.

  7. That's such a neat and tidy and pretty orchard. I'm not sure if Cyndi and Jeff had a lot of color in their decorative trees last week, but I didn't notice the apple trees changing. Will have to check when we go out there tomorrow.

  8. Hello, pretty scene with all the apple trees. Happy Friday, enjoy your day & weekend!

  9. I just checked a map. Toronto is about as far north as Manchester, New Hampshire. I would have expected more color up where you are.
