Wednesday, November 2, 2016


There are so many dogs in Toronto now that the city has put up many signs showing the rules for park usage although they are not always obeyed. It is interesting that this park does not allow commercial dog walkers who seem to be everywhere during the week work hours here.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. These by-laws and such are becoming increasingly complex!

  2. You have literate dogs over there? No? That explains why the rules are not obeyed. Anyway, what have they got against commercial dog walkers, for heaven's sake? Stand up for the rights of commercial dogs, that's what I say.

  3. Life comes with too many rules.

  4. Looks like many rules to follow. Thank for the interesting sign.

  5. It is forbidden to have an umleashed dog in public place in Poland

  6. Yup there are rules and regulations for dogs here too Pat, but as long as they're on a lead they can go most places..

  7. We have lots of rules down here too! Many of our larger parks now have special dog park areas all fenced in so that dogs can run and play with abandon. It's fun to watch.

  8. Dogs are wonderful, but they remain dogs and their owners need to be responsible. We have dog parks here which seem to fulfill a need very well. What is really irritating, though, is to see people walk the road behind our house and fail to pick up their doggy's poop. It happens too often.

  9. Rules, rules, rules. I grew up in a town and a time where there few rules and I survived quite well.

  10. So many rules, what is one to do! ˁ˚ᴥ˚ˀ

  11. And remember that "dogs" can't read.

  12. Too many rules but what can you do but follow them.

  13. It's all very clearly spelled out.

  14. Ridiculous; the number of rules, and the regulations against commercial dog walkers. Who cares? Sounds like too many government employees in that city...

  15. It's interesting that dogs are allowed to run free all day during the winter, but only at dawn and dusk during the fairer weather.

  16. I couldn't see the rules well, but oh, my, I wonder why the government thinks that the more rules there are, the better life will be.

  17. :-) Mike and I were thinking the same thing.

  18. We have many signs like this too in our parks, but I have never seen one mentioning commercial dog walkers. Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever seen any commercial dog walkers where I live!

  19. It's good they post them as a reminder, but I know like around here, some humans just don't care about the rules!

  20. That is a lot of rules. Thankful that I can open my back door and just let the dogs run free.

  21. Gosh! I admit to not being a dog person, but even to me all those rules seem excessive. I would think a professional dog walker would know what she or he was doing; can't imagine why they would Ben them.

  22. Well sometimes dog owners don't comply regardless. Ha! Too many words for sure.

  23. When signs get too long, I'm sure most people simply walk right past and don't notice them anymore.

  24. There is a dog park in a nearby city with a similar set of rules, except for banning professional dog walkers. It is divided into two sections, one for large dogs, the other for small ones. I live out in the country so my dog can run free. (She is very good about staying on our property).

  25. There are several rules around here for pets, but obviously the owners cannot read.

  26. i hope most folks abide by them. :)

  27. Who knows the reasoning behind the rules as some of them see a bit odd.
