Saturday, November 26, 2016

Table For Three?

I took this pic through a window so it isn't really sharp but I loved how these three creatures went about their business paying little attention to each other. The chipmunk in the middle has stuffed his cheeks with seeds and took off to store them right after this pic while the Cardinal & the squirrel stayed behind eating their fill!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Looks like there is enough seed for all. I did not see the chipmunk until I read your comment, and then looked again. He is well camouflaged. Fine nature photo. The cardinal has always been one of my favorite birds.

  2. You caught their inter-species garden party!

  3. What a very sweet threesome Pat, cheeky wee chipmunk is well camouflaged, but he's adorable once spotted. The red cardinal has no chance of blending with this scene ☺

  4. Two's company & three's a crowd! I love cardinals!

  5. A fun photo and kudos to you for a great capture. I can't even get one of these critters to sit still long enough to get a good shot, and you got three of them to do it. Amazing!

  6. Very nice trio and a funny shot indeed.

  7. There is enough for everyone!
    Hope you are having a great week-end!

  8. What a great photo! Seems that they get along just fine.

  9. Hello, it is great these critters live in peace together. Love the bright Cardinals and cute chipper. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  10. I posted cardinals and a squirrel today. What I didn't mention is that while one critter feeds at the feeder, he shakes some seed onto the ground, where the other critters gobble it up!

  11. Absolutely a dining delight for all!

  12. Very interesting! I have the same three critters visit the platter in the backyard, but all the birds are very wary of the chipmunks. And the chipmunks take care to stay out of the way of the squirrels.
