Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Elegant Weston House

I was back in the Weston neighbourhood a few weeks ago and thought that this house was dressed quite nicely for Christmas. I haven't been by after dark to see if there are any lights involved in the decorations. And you can see some of the flagstones from the Humber River framing little garden spaces.


  1. That is my favorite kind of holiday decorations. just some carefully draped greenery and wreaths and boughs. I love it.

  2. This is a magnificent old house that has aged gracefully. There is a city called Weston in south Florida and that, too, is rather upper class.

  3. What a beautiful looking house and it's nicely decorated.

  4. Around here a house like that would be topped by multiple lightning rods.

  5. It is beautiful. I love the brick and that porch!

  6. This place would fit nicely into Hartford's West End.
