Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Community Garden

I took this pic in the fall when the leaves were still around to cast nice shadows. This is the sign for the Hillcrest Park Community Garden which is a collaborative effort between the Stop Community Food Centre and the Na-Me-Res/Sagatay shelter for First Nation people. The food from the garden is used at both locations and the participants from each place learn about growing food for themselves and learn new skills.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Hello, great sign and the shadows are wonderful. Great capture. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  2. I like the shadow work and the info, P! Have a super holiday season

  3. Such a great project. You've reminded me that Phoenix has started a community garden. I need to find out more about it.

  4. A great idea for the community and the sign is pretty dappled as it is in the shadows.

  5. Fantastic shadow work, but best of all, what a gorgeous day it appears to be!

  6. I wish there ere more community gardens. We can all learn from each other (and eat well, too)
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  7. I love all those shadows. We have a community garden right down at the end of our road. I called them a few weeks ago for some info. Could try some gardening this spring.

  8. Community Gardens are wonderful.

  9. Nice photo! And this another star in Toronto's crown. Community gardens are wonderful and so helpful to those who in need.

  10. How nice! We have a few community gardens here too. Love those shadows.

  11. Such a pretty sign. I would love to see more community gardens around. Everyone would benefit.
