Sunday, January 15, 2017

Autumn Flowers

It's nice to remember that winter will be over and the world will bloom again. This wild assortment of plants was actually on a narrow boulevard in the Yorkville neighbourhood! Even late in October there was a lot of colour there.


  1. Gosh that's an impressive flower border Pat! Yes it's surprising how quickly the seasons move from one to another these days.. up to now we've had quite a mild summer, a few hot days.. not that I'm complaining ☺ we've still got February to come, that's the hottest!

  2. That is quite and impressive garden. I love the wild look to it.

  3. I love our flowery world but it is a long time to spring..

  4. So fine to see and remember the flowers for fall. Yes, the seasons will change, but winter does seem to drag on.

  5. That's very pretty and colourful. Not much colour these days but every little bit helps.

  6. This could have been taken yesterday in Ocala. Some of our lawns have gone brown, but there are still lots of brightly-colored flora. This is a gorgeous scene, Pat. The colors are so rich and beautiful and it won't be long before they'll be a normal sight in your neighborhood.

  7. That wild profusion of color reminds me of my favorite urban yard garden in Eugene -- it was colorful still in late November just before we left. (It will be covered with snow and ice now of course -- though that kind of harsh weather is rarer in western Oregon than it is in your area). Definitely not a problem in Florida of course.

  8. We will dance in balmy spring my Sister!

  9. I spent a wee bit of time in Yorkville one night back in the late 1960's.

  10. I am already looking forward to it :-)
    Lucky owner!
    Here it is just a bit of snow and -6C

  11. Yes, my thoughts have been going to lots of these images playing happily in my head! Thank you for a real view!

  12. You are making me homesick for Elizabeth Park, RedPat.
