Saturday, January 21, 2017

Foiled Again!

This grey squirrel took a couple of runs at this pole that is holding two bird feeders before giving up and eating the droppings on the ground. The smart black squirrel up above had jumped over from a nearby bush!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I have had some success with squirrel guards like this one. If they are loose on the pole the squirrel can't use them to get around. I thought the gray squirrels out competed the black squirrels, but here is clearly not the case. I'm sure the gray squirrel gets plenty to eat on the ground. Fine nature photo.

  2. Squirrels are very smart creatures and formidable. We tried all kinds of deterrents before finally giving up on bird feeders. It looks like this one may work, though.

  3. Life will find way. Something good about that, P :)

  4. They are certainly clever little fellows. I bet it's fun to watch them at work.

  5. It does look desperately determined Pat ☺

  6. Thank you, Pat.
    I love squirrels.
    Chaka :)

  7. Hello, they are determined critters. Piggies too! Great capture!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  8. I bet he'll try again maybe on another day. They never give up, they're fun to watch when they keep trying. :)

  9. I would be spreading some on the ground, too....a squirrel has to eat! LOL

  10. Isn't it remarkable how much effort and money we huge humans put into defeating these pipsqueak squirrels?
