Saturday, February 4, 2017

Ducks On Ice

I went to visit the duck pond at James Gardens a couple of weeks ago and there many ducks there as you can see and I guess their little down coats keep them warm but what keeps the feet warm I don't know!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I don't know how they survive the very cold days we are experiencing.

  2. poor creatures ... where is spring?

  3. Now that is a very good question. They must have little heaters in their feet.

  4. Now that's just ducky! Why the heck don't they get off their downy butts and fly down here to Florida where they can fluff their downy butts in the sun? Played golf with an old guy from Toronto, on Thursday. His name was Ray. I asked him if he knew you. He said your name sounded familiar but he couldn't be certain. He was about 102, I think. :)

  5. A happy scene for Saturday!! Thanks, Pat

  6. At some point I've heard an explanation for why birds' legs are perfectly fine in cold water this time of year, but I can't recall it at present. As long as they've got some food, they do well for themselves through a winter.

  7. I can't tell from your picture but I'm wondering if the water is totally frozen over. Are they trying to melt the ice?

  8. At least they seem to be quite content, ice or not!

  9. Hello, neat shot of the ducks. It is a large group too. It is amazing they can keep warm on the ice and cold weather. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  10. Looks like a duckfest, the gsthering of the brightest ducks in the area :) I just was talking about the ducks and do their feet get cold a while back. This is what I learned: Less warm blood gets to the foot, keeping the foot cold and reducing the temperature difference between the foot and the ice. This reduces the flow of heat from the duck to the ice. Interesting little creatures them ducks :)

  11. I love Mallards, Wood Ducks, and all other littler critters.
    Have a Happy Weekend, Pat!
    Chaka :)

  12. That's the first thing I thought of too Pat ☺

  13. Maybe it is their very small brains, too small for the cold to register.

  14. Rubber booties! Ha! Ha! It does look cold out there, Brrr!
