Sunday, February 5, 2017


I spotted this original Mini  a week ago and was so surprised to see how small it was compared to the new ones. This one must be from England since it has the steering wheel on the right side. And even though it is small there was a baby seat in the back so it is a family car!


  1. My father was in the Air Force and when I was a child we lived in England. We had a mini and I remember riding around in the backseat, listening to the Beatles. Thanks for rekindling some sweet memories!

  2. I love it! Every now and then I catch sight of one here and I'm always surprised at how much smaller it is than the new ones. I bet it's fun to drive.

  3. Used to watch my friend race these at Mosport, when I was a still in my teens, many years ago.

  4. Hello, I always like these cute Mini cars. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  5. It is really a cute vehicle. I've never seen one or ridden in one so my life is probably missing something important ... thus, if I ever get a chance, I'm going to get a ride in one. :)

  6. I would never fit in one of those! My legs are too long!

  7. Good sighting. I've seen a few of the newer ones here but not the original. It does look considerably smaller than the newer ones.

  8. Dang! That's even smaller than my car. I love it. :-)

  9. It's a classic in British racing green too! We used to have a ride home from school in one that size!

  10. They are cute aren't they? Everything is super-sized these days.

  11. Always liked the looks of the original Mini. They could be great fun to drive also.

  12. The Minis have definitely grown in the intervening years. Have you seen a Smart car? I think they are even smaller than this one.

  13. You're probably right! I remember when one of their dealerships first came to our city, and I had to rush over and check them out. First car I got into, I bumped my head! They are small, but so cute!
