Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Vintage Records

I spotted this record store on Bloor St W in the same area as the bicycle rings I have been showing you. They have been open for almost 2 years and seem to have a good variety of vinyl & CDs judging from the on-line info I found. I didn't have time to wander in so will have to go back another day.
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  1. It's interesting to me how vinyl is making a come back. Many years ago, I used to have a huge vinyl collection. Then I had a huge CD collection, most of which I gave away the last time I moved. Now I own a handful of CD's, most for sentimental reasons. Virtually all my music is on my iPod.

  2. They say that if you wait long enough everything comes around again Pat, looks like it's true.. very cool name for the shop ☺ As for your comment on my post today, I often think our two cities are very much alike, except you're lucky enough to still have trams, would have loved to have been here in Perth before they stopped running 😊

  3. Local shop town closed down due to lack of sales years ago, last year the guy reopened due to the increase in vinyl sales

  4. It is hard to believe that our younger grandkids didn't know what a record player looked like. Your photo reminds me of the fun we had showing them our vinyl record collection (and we have a player still).

  5. What a great sign. A few years ago I was in a store that sold vintage records. I realized I could not afford many when they were new, and I still can't. The prices were out of sight. I have friends who maintain the sound on a record is softer, and superior to the harsh digital music we now listen to. This is a great sign.

  6. I really should do something with my old vinyl collection. And the 78s... Interesting name for the shop - I assume it smells OK in there?

  7. This reminds me of a CBC program called DEad Dog Cafe written by Thomas King. It wa a hoot.

  8. I have a plan to start up a new LP collection.

  9. I've noticed the same vinyl comeback here too! GRRREat name and signage!

  10. Great to see a record shop these days.

  11. I saw two records stores since I've been here and they are both vacant. Vinyl is back. I remember getting cds and then giving away all my LPs. Then when I moved here, the cds went and now I have tons of mp3 files. I didn't think I would like that, not having any physical product to hold and look at, but I don't miss it now.

  12. I still have a turntable, maybe I should check out this place.

    and interesting that The Dead Dog Cafe was mentioned, as my mind immediately went there!

  13. My daughter has been wanting to purchase a record player. Nice to see a shop that sells vinyl and I love the name, though it is a bit weird.

  14. Yes, I believe vinyl is making a comeback. I'm not sure why anyone wants to hear those scratchy needle sounds and clicks on the records but it seems they do.

  15. ...they say that vinyl is final.

  16. They are getting extinct.

    Frankly My Dear

  17. How do they dream up a name like this? It's eye catching.

  18. Dead dog. I don't hope its that little dog listening to a gramophone on the RCA label of earlier days.

  19. A strange name for a record store, isn't it?

  20. Ouch, for all dogs reading that name! But I'd sure visit the store, for all those records!
