Thursday, February 16, 2017

Osgoode Hall Through The Trees

In a city with as many trees as we have it is often impossible to get shots of buildings when the leaves are out so it is fun to get some winter shots. This view of Osgoode Hall on Queen St is totally hidden all summer but looks rather nice now with City Hall peeking over the top at us. Osgoode Hall houses the Law Society of Upper Canada as well as various courts and legal libraries and construction began in 1829 with many additions through the years. I showed a pic of the original section back in 2013 (HERE).


  1. Nicely done, Pat, I like it !
    Try to take the same shot in July :))

  2. It has that "academic" look to it and rightly so.

  3. Hello, great shot! Happy Thursday, enjoy your weekend ahead!

  4. I've always thought it to be quite a beautiful building.

  5. I visited Toronto many decades ago and was very impressed by the curved city hall. I'm glad to see it's still there.

  6. A lovely building & even through the bare branches, you can sense its stately presence.

  7. Lovely building- and I'll bet it is near impossible to get a good shot when the leaves are out. I love the upper columns- that is something I haven't seen much of before.

  8. A well composed photo. Those trees do hinder our views sometimes, good for you to grab this one before the leaves come back.

  9. Interesting contrasts in building styles and periods.

  10. Isn't there a nice old wrought iron fence around there someplace!

  11. Super shot Pat, I like the winter trees as much as I do when they are dressed for summer 😊 nice little mix of old and not so old again here.
