Friday, September 29, 2017

Exhibition Place Fire Hall

Although not as old as Scadding Cabin which I showed you yesterday the fire hall at Exhibition Place is an old one too. This Tudor Revival beauty was built in 1912 and as you can see has been beautifully cared for over the years. I think it had been newly painted this summer before the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) opened in August. The clock tower would have once been used for hanging hoses to dry.


  1. It is a beautiful building!
    Have a great day!

  2. Hello, I love this firehouse. The clock tower is cool too. Great photo.

    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. That is a beautiful building! It's a good thing it has been so carefully maintained.

  4. So many things from the past seem beautiful to us, more so, perhaps, because we often give utility more credit than beauty. This is an outstanding building (and photo). The tower adds the perfect touch. The only thing that is distracting are those garbage cans out front! :) Hope you have a super weekend, Pat!

  5. The main part of the building reminds me very much of English home architecture, which fits with the Tudor style.

  6. ...we have a couple of firehouses of this style here.

  7. it reminds me German architecure

  8. Very nice, especially for a fire station.

  9. I wonder what the fire trucks looked like in 1912.

  10. That's a nice looking fire station and I love the clock tower.

  11. Oh wow, that is a beauty! I love the red trim and that bay window on the second level. The clock tower adds just the right touch.

  12. That's rather an unusual style for a fire station Pat.. except for the red door 😀

  13. It's an especially nice design! I like it.

  14. Isn't this a nice one. I have never seem one like it.
