Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Intruder

A few seconds before this pic was taken those ducks were sleeping and lounging on the grass but then this young visitor arrived and they all fled into the pond. The dog soon left and the ducks returned to their resting places.   
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Hello, love the cute dog and the ducks. Great photo. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. they are smart not to trust a dog, my dog loved almost everything, but she used to growl at ducks

  3. They're not silly those ducks, although he doesn't look as if he'd hurt a fly Pat 😀

  4. I'm sure the doggy just wanted to play.

  5. I'm kind of like Mike, I'm betting the dog just wanted to be friends but, I totally understand the reaction. I'll bet those ducks have been chased a time or two. What a cute scene!

  6. Fine looking young dog. The duck are taking no chances.

  7. Good photo!
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  8. The ducks don’t look too worried.

  9. Love it, Pat! I've seen the same things. Ducks sleep while they're awake I think! Seriously, they can spot an intruder a long way off and they don't hang around if there's any chance that intruder will harm them.

  10. Such a fun loving dog & I'm guessing he was excited to explore!

  11. Can't fool a duck, they have to retire early now to catch up on their sleep. :)

  12. Ducks are smart and water is their friend, but I am surprised that dog would not go in the water after them?

  13. Beautiful and I'd have to meet the pup!
