Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Season Begins

This was taken late last Sunday afternoon the first weekend the outdoor rinks were open in the city. This rink at Christie Pits Park is a very popular one but this pic was taken just before the break for dinner so there was lots of room on the ice. And of course we are photo-bombed by the CN Tower which is several miles away.


  1. Hello, looks like a nice rink. It reminds me of one I went to in my young years for skating lessons. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  2. we have a ice skating rink every year, I don't know how sometimes. It will be from nov to right after xmas. Some autumns it is sure above 32 F (0c) sometimes by a lot.

  3. Oh gosh this makes me feel a wee bit cooler already Pat, it's been so hot today! I bet the tower photobombs many a photo taken from many a spot ☺

  4. We seem to have imported the craze for ice rinks in many of our big cities too.

  5. That looks like a great place to skate, a nice big rink and a view too!

  6. Can't imagine weather cold enough for an ice rink! But, I skated on many of these and enjoyed those times very much. I'd still give it a try if I could. Love the tower!

  7. Great view! I've never been to Christie Pits, though I've heard of it many times.

  8. How sweet it is.
    PS: There is carousel at City Hall's rink.

  9. Makes me feel chilly ...
    These rinks are very popular over the Christmas season.

    All the best Jan

  10. It's the cold season and what better way to show it off with an ice rink. Growing up, one of my friend's father used to freeze his yard over and we would skate the winter away playing hockey.
    Nice view of the city in the background.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Ice skating!
    Fun on a winter afternoon!

  13. I would have loved that as a kid....and bet it is enjoyed by them today!

  14. I spent a lot of time at the ice rink as a kid. Good memories!

  15. Looks like a hockey game is about to break out.

  16. Nice! Outdoor rinks pop up in just about every park it seems like here, they aren't as nice as this but the one on the lake is the best! Bumpy but fun.

  17. Ah yes, this helps make winter a bit more enjoyable!

  18. Very nice. Hartford has a public outdoor skating rink in Bushnell Park from Thanksgiving to New Year. It is volunteer supported and threatens not to open every year. Love yours!
