Monday, January 1, 2018

January Theme Day: Photo Of The Year

The January theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Photo Of The Year which can be your favourite, your best or the most interesting to you. I chose this pic from last summer just because there is something intriguing about it - there is a bit of a story there and I also like the image!
Click HERE to see more Photos Of The Year from around the world.


  1. Hello, it is a great photo. Reminds me of warmer days! Have a great new day, new week and a happy New Year!

  2. I think she's waiting for the chap leaning on the lamppost talking on the phone and eating something out of a paper bag at the same time. She doesn't look very pleased with him.

  3. I like it! Photos that tell stories are the best! Happy New Year.

  4. Strange stories run through my mind while gazing at this one.

  5. Love it! The main subject is the girl and her dog, but there are other stories going on in the background. And it looks like a beautiful, warm day, which I'm sure is nice to remember on this frightfully chilly first day of 2018. It is cold here, too, and windy and gloomy and it reminds me of winter in Minneapolis and I hate it. I don't understand! Florida is not supposed to be like this! But it should warm up by the end of the week. Keep smiling! šŸ˜Ž

  6. It is a lovely photo. Like Eileen it reminds me of warmer days, I long for warmer days.

  7. Still cold here. I can wait for the summer to return.

  8. Me gustan fotos en la calle... feliz aƱo...un saludo desde murcia.

  9. I think you chose that picture because it reminds you of a time when it wasn't as cold as a well diggers butt.

  10. A great choice, Pat. I thought she felt sad and the dog too. They both seem worn out. Who really knows but I love photos like this because you interpret them through your own filters. Enjoy 2018 and take lots of new photos. :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I love it because of the color red that winds its way through the photo. The table and chairs in the forefront grab my attention and then lead me into the photo through the other stories. Good choice. Happy shooting for 2018.

  13. I am always a sucker for a dog. Best wishes for a GREAT 2018!!!!

  14. I love photos that lend themselves to creative imagination and story-telling.

  15. Excellent choice Pat, there are a lot of intriguing factors making up this image! Hope you had a good Christmas, all the very best wishes for a happy and healthy new year šŸŽ‡šŸŽŠšŸŽˆšŸŽ‰
