Sunday, February 11, 2018

Greenhouse In Winter

I've shown you the greenhouse in the gardens of Spadina House before but I couldn't resist another pic of it especially with the blue sky above it. And one day I would like to see the inside of that converted stable behind it which is now a private residence.


  1. It's a beautiful greenhouse Pat. I'd love to have one but it just doesn't get cold enough.. I'd have to have an air-conditioned greenhouse 😀

  2. probably be nice to step in there at times in the freezing cold

  3. That greenhouse does look very pretty against the blue sky. And, the stable house is very appealing. It would be fun to see how it was converted.

  4. Blue sky and next to no snow on the ground. This is not the in GTA.. right? ;-)

  5. Greenhouses can be inviting places, especially in cold weather as they are warm during sunny days.

  6. I remember this greenhouse but in this photo, you got the light just right. It's a gorgeous space. I think you just need to go up to the door of that converted residence, knock on the door and tell the City Daily Photo wants pictures of their house. You could also say you know me, but that wouldn't get you a phone call from the police station! :)

  7. That is a lovely greenhouse. Plants will thrive in there with the sun beaming down.

  8. I wonder if that home has some kind of historical designation? In Oregon anyway homes that have that can get some tax benefits if they open their home to tours once a year.

  9. For whatever reason, thought of the ice palace in Dr. Zhivago.

  10. It s a very beautiful garden Pavilion. Very nice

  11. This lovely and probably still in use, as my little greenhouse always has to close up here in Minnesota until warmth of spring arrives!

  12. There is a nearly identical one in Elizabeth Park. I will try to remember to show it this summer.
