Saturday, February 10, 2018

Winter Ducks

I took this pic last week by the duck pond at James Gardens on what was a sunny and not too cold day. This pic shows only about half of the ducks that were there with another bunch of them in the section of the pond which wasn't frozen. Just after I took this a huge hawk flew over and all of the ducks ran towards the water for a minute or two and then came back out to the snow after it had gone by.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I would imagine that food sources would be a bit scarce during the winter months. But, these guys look pretty darn healthy.

  2. Hello, that is a large flock of ducks. They must not mind the cold ground and snow. Great photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend.

  3. Cute shot and it looks like you've got your ducks in a row - more or less! These ducks must be dumb, though, 'cuz they could fly south and not have to worry about the weather. But we do have a lot of hawks so that's something. But it's going to be 84 degrees today and tomorrow. I'm playing golf tomorrow and it's going to be hot! Darn! 😇 😎 😜

  4. It amazes me how the ducks stay warm in the cold, snowy weather we are having.

  5. These ducks are as dopey as me by stay here and not going south for the winter.

  6. Beautiful wintry photo of the ducks!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I counted 80 ducks... just in case you wanted to know.

  8. It's still amazing to me how a hawk can make these ducks scatter.

  9. They heard there was a party going on, they want to know where it is. Now they're thinking, we should of went south. :)

  10. I love seeing these guys in parks, lakes and ponds.
    Glad they are still around!
    Lovely winter scene, Pat!
    Have a Happy WE!
    Peace :)

  11. What a super winter scene Pat. It's hard to imagine a hawk flying up and off with one of these ducks in it's talons but it happens I guess. I was a bit worried about the rabbit I spotted a few posts back, it was a bit like a sitting duck 😱

  12. Wow that is a lot of ducks! It looks pretty ... but cold to me.

  13. Que gran reunión. Esttupenda foto Pat.
    Buen lunes.

  14. Hello sweet ducks so happy to meet you out and about!
