Friday, February 9, 2018

Spadina House In Winter

Spadina House is a historic manor located right beside Casa Loma at the top of the hill above Davenport Rd. It was built in 1866 and is now operated as a museum by the city and is decorated to show the styles of the 1920s and 1930s. It also has beautiful grounds and gardens which I have shown you before. I thought it looked wonderful against that blue winter sky!


  1. that's a huge place, can't imagine how much its worth

  2. Now that's a HOUSE! It does look very beautiful!

  3. Gawd, that's gorgeous. I want one! I don't suppose this is for sale, right? Doesn't matter, I couldn't afford the porch! :) But sooooo nice!

  4. Such a gorgeous piece of architecture Pat, would love to visit, 1920/30's are my favourite eras!

  5. I don't think they're ever going to make a museum out of the places where I've lived. :-)

  6. Very beautiful and huge. I love those windows at the top, I'll hang out there. :)

  7. Beautiful, I love the green shutters on the white.

  8. A handsome house. I wouldn't like the cold up your way but I sure do like that rich blue sky.

  9. Yes, this is just my kind of place!
