Saturday, March 10, 2018

Snack Time

This little Downy Woodpecker was enjoying a suet treat and didn't notice the male Cardinal hiding in the bush behind him waiting for a chance for a snack too!  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. What great capture! I didn't see that cardinal hiding back there either.

  2. Cute pic! I wouldn't have seen that cardinal, either. Cardinals are pretty aggressive, but maybe that woodpecker is no bird to mess with?

  3. Hello, neat capture of the woodpecker with the Cardinal hiding in the bushes.

    Thank you so much for linking up your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  4. The cardinal must be thinking, "come on, I don't have all day."

  5. Free food . The cuties are really queuing up here. Very nice.

  6. Great photo of this very pretty bird!
    I have been surprised at how many different birds are coming to my suet feeder. But when the woodpeckers show up, the other birds fly over to the sunflower seed feeders.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Great capture, Pat. It looks like first come, first served. :)

  8. That is too cute! Good eye there, for the unexpected.

  9. Good eye for the cardinal. I'd have never seen him.

  10. Great bounty for shooting with a camera and a lovely capture.
    Bleak winter dullness offset by the vibrant colors of our feathered friends.
    Have a Happy WE, Pat!
    Peace :)

  11. I love how they take turns....LOL! Not- more like sneaking up behind him in hopes of a share of the suet. Great capture!

  12. Super shot Pat, there was plenty of room for two 😀

  13. Great photo, I wouldn't have noticed the cardinal if you hadn't mentioned him.

  14. It looks like somebirdy is planning an ambush!! And your picture will solve the mystery of 'who done it'.

  15. Great capture, Pat. He is so cute !

  16. Lovely to see this photograph.

    All the best Jan

  17. Kudos to you for including at least a glimpse into Toronto’s wildlife. The city is certainly more than shops, streets and parades. It would be interesting to get out into some of the natural areas (e.g. High Park, Colonel Samuel Smith Park, Humber Bay Park, Tommy Thompson Park, etc.) and show us that side of the metropolis. Even the cemeteries are magnets for wildlife in addition to the fascinating pastime of exploring grave markers.
