Friday, July 13, 2018

A Favourite

This house located just around the corner from Casa Loma is one of my favourites of all of the houses in the city. It was designed by architect Yaivo Kapsi and finished in 1968 but unfortunately he had died before the house was completed. It is a beautiful example of Brutalist architecture with the concrete being cast-in-place in wood lined forms so that the whole structure has a fabulous texture. The back overlooks one of the nicest ravines in the city.


  1. I love it! I can see why it would be a favorite.

  2. A very modern look, but it appeals to me.

  3. I have never liked Brutalist architecture, but this house also has lines similar to Prairie style.

  4. ...neat, there is a Unitarian church here that was built in this style at about the same time.

  5. It looks strong Pat, strong enough to stand up to whatever nature brings! I can why it appeals to you. Happy weekend ✨

  6. Underground parking and all. Reminds of a a very mini apartment building.

  7. I think you may be seeing more concrete house in the western USA soon. As soon as the fires go out.

  8. Nice style reminds me a bit of Frank Lloyd Wright!

  9. I agree with Karen's comment, I thought it was FLW. Nice house and a very pretty location with all those trees.

  10. This is much more streamlined and attractive than the typical brutalist architecture I've seen. It's quite nice. I can easily see why it's a favorite.

  11. A real exponent of its time. Nice too.

  12. Fabulous photo. The house is very interesting.

  13. Though I am no fan of brutalism, this seems to be quite lovely. It has an Internationalist flair, like something that Walter Gropius might have done.

  14. A beautiful structure in a verdant setting!
    Love it.
    Happy WE to you.
    Peace :)
