Saturday, July 14, 2018

Hidden Invader

This grey squirrel was rustling around in the tree which overlooks my tomatoes and other plants and I think he was pretending that he wasn't interested in my things. He also seemed to think that I couldn't see him but the evidence he left of digging around the veggies would have given him away even if I hadn't heard him!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. bird feeders have become squirrel feeders.

  2. He thinks you planted those things just for him.

  3. Hello, the squirrels always seem to find the found. I saw one climbing around in my blueberry bushes. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! PS, thanks for your visit and comment.

  4. Very lovely photo. :) Have a nice weekend, greetings. :)

  5. This squirrel is pretending to be a bird, but I see you were not fooled. They are cleaver fellows even if they have a small brain.

  6. If he doesn't look at you when you took his photo, you don't exist and neither does he. :) Great capture of an unconcerned critter. :)

  7. I think this nutty guy likes you Pat. ;-)

  8. He should know better than to try and hide from a blogger's camera Pat 😀

  9. Of course he is not interested in eating your veggies, Pat :)
