Thursday, July 5, 2018

Trees In The City

Brunswick Ave north of College St is unusual for the older parts of the city in that it is a wide street with wide boulevards on each side of the street. These boulevards provide a perfect location for trees to thrive as you can see from this pic. I always find it a bit of a shock to turn the corner onto Brunswick Ave and see all of the greenery ahead of me.


  1. Hello, Lovely view of the tree lined street. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. I loooove it when I come across streets like this Pat, in summer you instantly feel cooler just being there. Gorgeous avenue 💙

  3. How very pretty. It reminds me of growing up in Illinois. I loved all the big trees. There is one street here in Phoenix, not far from where I work that is lined on both sides with huge trees. It's so unusual for a place like this that it shocks me every time I see it.

  4. When I lived in the city we called these sidewalk trees. They don't exist in the suburbs.

  5. Beautiful tree shaded street. We use to have beautiful elm trees, but Dutch Elm Disease has eliminated them, and now the Emerald Ash Bore has shown up to kill our Ash trees. Tree shaded streets may become only a memory.

  6. What a fantastic view of a beautiful tree lined street. You know where the shady side of the street is.

  7. This would be such a welcome sight in summer. I always love to see so much green.

  8. What a beautiful place to walk along!

  9. I love the older neighbourhoods with the big old trees, there are some like that where the trees touch in the middle of the street and I always have the urge to just lay down and look up.

  10. Beautiful. I love places like this. It is like my West Hartford neighborhood.
