Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Eating On Ward's Island

This is the Island Cafe on Ward's Island and it is located right beside the Ward's Island Association Clubhouse which I showed you last week. It is a funky looking place but serves great locally sourced food, is fully licensed for alcohol, and has a cool patio. What more could you want for a meal on the island?  
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  1. We regularly rent on a small Island in Door County, WI and I miss it whenever I am not there. Washington Island has permanent year-round residence so it's a bit different than this one that you have been posting about. Wouldn't it be fun to live on an Island!?

  2. I can't think of anything that would make it more inviting Pat, your description actually made me go and make myself a coffee 😀

  3. I'd ask for nothing more! Sounds perfect to me.

  4. It looks very inviting. I'd certainly like to try their food!

  5. Looks like lovely place to eat. Would to have a meal sitting in their patio.

  6. ...I've waiting to see were you ate.

  7. Looks like a great place and I like the name and colours.

  8. I like any place that is fully licensed for alcohol. (hic)

  9. Looks like a friendly welcoming place.

  10. Am definitely due for another visit to the Island! It has been too many years since I was last over.

  11. It’s got a kind of tropical vibe going on here...only in season I’m sure!
