Monday, December 3, 2018

White Squirrel

Yesterday I showed a wonderful house from the Trinity Bellwoods neighbourhood, an area that surrounds Trinity Bellwoods Park on the north side of Queen St W. The park is extremely popular and has ball diamonds, tennis courts, a dog off-leash area, etc but one its most famous attributes is the colony of white squirrels that live there. You can occasionally spot them in the area outside the park but the park is home base. I spotted this mural on the back of a bakery which is beside the park and while I was taking it a black squirrel ran by me with a pink macaron in its mouth - too fast to catch a pic!  
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. ...I am glad that he does show up at my feeder.

  2. I like it! The mural recognizes their neighborhood wildlife! It sounds like the bakery cares about the wildlife if it puts Macarons out for the squirrels to scavenge.

  3. Cute mural, I was thinking I have never seen a white squirrel.

    Happy Monday, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  4. Squirrels are apparently becoming increasingly picky.

  5. Whaaaaat! A black squirrel with a pink macarone, that shot would have been priceless Pat 😊 Meanwhile back to the mural. Love the crisp red and white, a yellow macarone would have been a nice touch 😀

  6. What a great use of negative space in this mural. Great find.

  7. I like this mural, it looks fantastic. I've never seen a white squirrel either.

  8. I like the mural. Thanks to you Pat I learned about the white squirrels. That is new to me. I had to Google them to see what they look like. They are amazing. There is nothing else like them.

  9. White squirrels? Black squirrels seemed novel to me. I think I've only seen grey ones. White sounds pretty exotic. But then a black one with a pink macaron sounds priceless, too.

  10. Never heard of a white squirrel before, but the mural is very cute.
    Would have loved to see a squirrel with a macaroon :) I wonder if it stole it or was give one by the bakers.
    Thanks for contributing Pat.
