Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Not On This Hill

Christie Pits Park is one of the best places in the city for tobogganing and this hill is probably the steepest one in the park. Unfortunately there are a couple of large light poles at the bottom of it so it was necessary to make sure you steered around them. Well, the decision has been made to make this hill off limits and so signs and fences have gone up. We haven't had enough snow yet for a sled anyway.  
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. ...what they need are a bunch of straw bales around the poles.

  2. Well, that's too bad. I hope there are plenty of other places for people to go with their toboggans and sleds. When I was growing up in Illinois, there were two hills in town where we could take our sleds. I remember having a great time slipping and sliding.

  3. Safety first
    Have a great day!

  4. There are a number of sledding spots around here I'm familiar with, and I have seen people on them, but I haven't photographed them this winter.

  5. Safety first I guess but I am sure some kids will still try...once there is snow!

  6. Maybe the light poles can be moved.

  7. Safety is important and it makes you wonder if this was thought through before they allowed sledding and now ban it to safety concerns. Some people didn't think it all the way through.

  8. I'm sure there was a more efficient way to provide light, and still be safe to toboggan...

  9. Not something we'd ever see in Sydney. :)

  10. I've got the toboggan. Just waitin' for another big snow. :-)

  11. With no snow the park does not have to ban tobogganing, but all that may be changing soon. Funny sign given the current conditions.

  12. I guess it is best to be safe.

  13. Too bad! I guess the lack of snow will help lessen the sting.

  14. Yeah, I was gonna say . . .

    I think we've had more snow here in Arizona!

  15. Hello, safety should be first before fun. We have lots of snow here and more to come. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead.

  16. I was just thinking there was something missing here Pat.. snow 😀
