Friday, April 26, 2019

A Beautiful Conversion

This century old church just off Yonge St was one of the first that I was aware of being converted to condos. It was also one of the most successful. The large church was divided into 5 huge units each of which with quirky features and price tags in the several million $$ if and when one goes on sale.


  1. I am surprised with conversion to condos. I am guessing that the units sold over asking price.

  2. ...thankfully, it still looks like a church.

  3. Have not seen many churches converted to condos. For several million they would have to be really special.

  4. Oh wow I bet they are pretty fabulous Pat, that's a lot of money but location is everything these days ✨

  5. Wow! How interesting!
    Have a great weekend!

  6. I saw this one on the news, I think. Just amazing. You wonder where people ge this kind of money!

  7. They certainly did a wonderful job of preserving the building. You can't tell it's condos from the outside at all. I do wonder who can afford those price tags.

  8. They say money can buy you anything you desire. It would be interesting to see inside and how it was converted in to condos.

  9. Beautiful building. Have a nice weekend

  10. Hello,

    I have never seen a church turned into condos, they must be interesting to see inside. Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  11. At least the exterior was preserved.

  12. That's a surprise, though I'll bet those units are pretty interesting (a reading room/office/studio in the bell tower, perhaps?). It certainly offers more character than a typical vanilla condo.

  13. Yes you have to do something with all that old empty church buildings. At last the skyline is the same.

  14. I'm betting they each will be unique in their own way!

  15. I've lived in a church belltower while the church was operational!
