Friday, April 12, 2019

Finally Spring

Last weekend we finally got warm weather and the spring flowers started to pop open. One of my favourites are the Scilla with their lovely blue colour. This patch had an American Lady Butterfly as a visitor!


  1. Indeed everything yells spring here.

  2. Beautiful! There are not a lot of blue flowers, so I treasure the ones that are.
    Your butterfly looks like the one I have on my blog today - I was not sure of the name - Thanks!

  3. That must be a welcome sight after the long winter months. I love the color of those flowers.

  4. At last Pat! You've been waiting for spring like I've been waiting for autumn, at last the signs are there.. 🌷

  5. I know you are enjoying this. We are finally getting some warm weather and it is a refreshing change.

  6. Hello,

    Yay for the warm weather. Pretty flowers and butterfly. Enjoy your day! Have a great weekend!

  7. Spring is back in action and the evidence is in the photo. Nice shot, Pat.

  8. Lucky you. In Pickering still waiting for something to pop up.

  9. Good to know it is spring somewhere. We got a bomb cyclone that dumped more than a foot of wet snow on us. All I see is white.

  10. Reminds me of the butterfly I spotted earlier today--the first of the season, I think.

  11. I'm glad for you. Your recent snow was discouraging. Thanks so much for naming the Scilla. I fell in love with these at Butchart Gardens and didn't know their name.

  12. Great with the butterfly,haven't seen one for a few years.
