Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Be Aware or Beware

I spotted these signs at the entrance down into one of the many treed ravines that run throughout Toronto. There have been a lot of coyote sightings even right downtown and there are stories about people having their small dogs grabbed from backyards or while out walking. I haven't seen any but have seen a fox downtown wandering through a neighbourhood. Nature is adapting to mankind!  
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. That is a bit scary, but we humans always have to remember we took the land from them. Foxes are a huge problem here, and have been recently sighted in the gardens of our State Parliament House. You can imagine how the media commentators reacted to foxes at Parliament House.

  2. Nice observation. So have we suddenly wolves in our biggest woodland the last one was sighted in 1890.

  3. I like the signs. I'm in a suburban setting in Connecticut in the US, and coyotes have been making a come back in my area for awhile now. Little dogs have been snatched by them right in people's yards. The coyotes also take down deer, which had a population explosion due to no predators after the colonists killed off all of the wolves back in the 1600s and 1700s. When mankind interferes, the balance of nature gets affected.

  4. It is wise to be careful for pets when it comes to wildlife, and coyotes have a right to be there.

  5. Interesting to see this. We see more and more wild animals living in urban areas. My friend Julie who lives on the side of Camelback Mountain sees bobcats, coyotes, and raccoons all the time. A blogging friend who live in London had a fox walk through the garden door and into his living room just recently.

  6. Hello,

    I hope everyone keeps an eye on their small pets. I have noticed the coyotes signs in different areas. Wishing you a happy day!

  7. Interesting - Your Otherworldly Photo Was Stellar - Well Done


  8. Coyotes are masters of concealment. In Pickering a few years back they were stealing small dogs off the owners leashes.

  9. Good signs to remind people of the dangers their pets could face.

  10. Ooh, glad we don't have coyotes here! Thanks for your comment on my blog today. You're one of my most faithful readers and I really appreciate how you drop by and leave a little comment every day. It cheers me.

  11. Coyotes are happy to live in cities, and usually cause few problems. Good idea not to leave pets outside on their own however. Interesting signs.

  12. Yes, plenty of coyotes and even bobcats are active threats in N. Calif towns ever I recently lived.

  13. We have lots of coyotes around us but only hear, rarely see, them.

  14. Humber Bay area has a large coyote problem.

  15. No coyotes here Pat, a fox now and then but mainly in bush areas ✨
