Tuesday, June 18, 2019


I spotted these Japanese Tree Peonies in the gardens of the Veterans Centre at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre about a week ago and they looked so luscious. Then we had several days of windy, rainy weather and they became very bedraggled. I'm glad I saw them at their prime!


  1. So pretty Pat, peonies are the loveliest of flowers 🌸

  2. Those are gorgeous blooms. I don't see any peonies here in the desert but I remember them from my childhood. My mother had several plants growing in our front yard.

  3. Hello, they are pretty pink peonies. Wishing you a happy day!

  4. One of my favorite subjects, too.

  5. Timing is everything. You did well here. Our peonies have been getting battered by the wind. I cut a bouquet of them yesterday but today they're showing the ill effects.

  6. Oh my this is quite the shot! They are so alive and gorgeous!

  7. They are beautiful!
    In response to your comment on my blog - Yes, Cowbirds are called brood parasites because they lay their eggs in other birds' nests to let the other birds raise their chicks! Because the female Cowbirds do not spend any time incubating the eggs and feeding the babies, they are soon ready to lay more eggs, and again, and again, multiple times in one season.
    Have a wonderful week!

  8. They are beautiful, RedPat. I saw many beautiful peonies this year, but my biggest and oldest oe had a bad year. I fear I didn't fertilize it, so I have gone overboard now in hopes of reviving it next year.

  9. 🌺🌷🌸 Preciosas Pat!!
    Un abrazo.
