Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Mystery

I found this cute green structure along a boulevard by a school yard where there are several community maintained gardens so I assume that this was installed for entertainment of some kind. There seems to be a solar collector on the top and that dark rectangle along the post is a glass viewing opening but the glass is all fogged up and opaque. It is a complete mystery as to what it is and I could find no info at all.


  1. Well that is intriguing Pat. I'm guessing the black square could be like a periscope and the solar panels energise something going on in the little house below.. of course I could be wrong 😉

  2. Could it have a camera and a nest? It reminds me of a birdhouse. Wishing you a happy day!

  3. It could be a Martin house? Who knows what the solar collector powers? Perhaps this Martin house come with cable TV?

  4. It is cute, but there seem to be too many openings to be a bird house.
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. I was thinking birdhouse too. I wonder if the intent was to let the viewer see what was going on inside a nest and the solar panels provide a low light. It is certainly a mystery!

  6. The viewing glass must have worked at one point! Interesting.

  7. Judging by the colour, the Irish Leprechauns are playing tricks on you.

  8. Very intriguing... A periscope, maybe?

  9. The latest bird highrise model with a viewing scope.

  10. A solar powered birdhouse was my thought. Why not? :-)

  11. Perhaps a way to disguise something else.

  12. Uhhhhhhh . . . not a clue. Sorry.

  13. I do love mysteries and this is one that I'd truly like to solve! I find the little concrete steps up interesting too, is it made for squirrels?
