Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Little Library For Kids

I spotted another of the Little Free Libraries, this one for kids. It looks like it is popular in this area near a school.  
Taking part in Signs, Signs which is now hosted by Tom. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Wonderful! And right down to their level so books are within their reach!
    For once there was good news in our local newspaper today. The Tupelo Parks and Recreation Department along with the Friends of the Library are placing Little Free Libraries in the Tupelo city parks!
    Have a great day!

  2. Love this idea Pat, why should adults have all the fun 😊

  3. ...what a sweet one and it's low so the kids can choose their book easily. My two young granddaughters have a little library a few houses down and they love to visit it. Thanks for sharing and hope that next week's link goes smoother for you.

  4. I love the idea of these little free libraries, especially for children who should be introduced to the love of reading.

  5. I think that is neat. There is one in Stanwood and I have taken books and they are the nicest people

  6. Oh, here I only know two - both for adults - great idea to have it for kids, too! Much better than all those techy-things!

  7. So cute. We have a few in Perth too, but never noticed if they had one just for kids.

  8. Someone did a great job of designing this one! I love finding these little libraries.

  9. Hello,

    These little free libraries are so cute, great find. Wishing you a happy day!

  10. Nice little library for the kids. The one is our town has two shelves and the bottom one is for children books.

  11. I recommend this project. We have one outside of our church too.

    My Signs

  12. I have to stop at every one I come across. You just never know what you'll find!

  13. Sweet. We have them here, and one mom posted on FB that her kids like to read so please put kids' books in the box.

  14. Yes we need more kids who can read. Nice initiative.

  15. I think these are so great, I have never seen one just for kids's a good idea!!

  16. How sweet is that?! What a wonderful treat for a child.

  17. Very cute. I was walking today and saw three Little Free Libraries within five houses. A most literate neighborhood.

  18. I do hope these never go away! They're wonderful.
