Saturday, September 7, 2019

Camera Shy

This miniature Dachshund was all smiles and attentive until I pointed the camera at her and then she refused to look up. I would put the camera behind my back and she was full of smiles but as soon as the camera came back, down went the head. A wee bit camera shy!  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Next time bring treats. ) _ _ __/°°¬

  2. I wonder what it is about cameras that make dogs do this. I've seen it so many times. A cute little guy nonetheless.

  3. This is the breed of dog my hubby loves best! So cute! Happy weekend!

  4. ...she's just like my youngest granddaughter.

  5. She was testing you and you had NO treats. Next time will be better. :)

  6. I wonder if the camera shy ones have had to endure a flash shot or two. Our dog hated seeing the camera pointed at him.

  7. Retrataste bien su timided 😊
    Buen domingo.
    Un abrazo.

  8. Hello,

    The Dachshunds are cuties. Awww, she is camera shy! I just got back from my trip and I am catching up with comments. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and a great new week! PS, I appreciate your visits and comments.

  9. I understand totally! I'm exactly the same Pat. Did Andy suggest treats.. that might work for me too 😁
