Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Crystal and Trees

While waiting for the red bus in Monday's post to arrive I was sitting on one of these raised planters in front of the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) along Bloor St W. In the background is the Crystal addition designed by Daniel Libeskind which opened in 2005. The whole area along Bloor St in front of it was left as a barren empty space until this year when the planters and trees were installed and a raised courtyard for performances and just relaxing was opened. It makes a huge difference to the streetscape.


  1. The trees help, but I still don't like that addition.

  2. That looks like a very pleasant spot where you can people watch and also enjoy the unique architecture around you.

  3. Landscaping, flowers and a place to “sit for a spell” make so much difference .., they give a City a soul!

  4. Gosh, pleasingly modern. Nice photo

  5. Wow! what a beautiful spot and an absolutely gorgeous building. The architecture is stunning. Nice photos, Pat.

  6. What a stunning building! The landscape softens it and makes it look inviting.

  7. It is the finishing touch to the amazing architecture, pretty cool for reflections Pat 💙

  8. Glad I came back for a second look at that fabulous photo

  9. Me gusta es muy original.
    Un abrazo.
