Monday, November 18, 2019

Signs Of Warmer Weather

Our weather has been terribly cold and snowy for the last week so I thought a nice colourful mural from Butterfly Lane was perfect for the day! The artist for this one is Leyland Adams. I have a lot more pics of murals from along this lane which I will post throughout the winter to give us a wee lift.  
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. It is a great spot! We will near some cheerful photos as I look out at the gloomy sky this morning.

  2. I think you have a great idea. Butterflies and blooms will be a good remedy for the cold and damp.

  3. What a gem. It seems garage doors are becoming a chosen and supportive new "canvas" for great murals. This one is no exception and is gorgeous.

  4. Beautiful butterfly murals. It does remind me of warmer weather, it is too cold here now. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  5. Such a cheerful mural. You need this on those cold days!

  6. A very nice mural to post on a cold wintry day.

  7. Great idea! Though I think William, of Ottawa Daily Photo, would not agree! :^)

  8. Wonderful colours.

    It'll be a long while of deep cold... and for that I'm eternally grateful.

  9. How pretty! I can see how that would brighten up a dreary day.

  10. Yes, I miss our butterflies already.

  11. A beautiful and colourful mural. Thanks for participating Pat.

  12. Pat you just brighten up my day with this lovely mural. Thank you.

  13. That was a gorgeous discovery Pat, flowers and butterflies are a lovely combination 🌺🌹

  14. Beautiful colors, and we're going to have a few days of warmer weather for real!
