Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wychwood Pond

I wandered through the Wychwood Park neighbourhood a week ago just the day before we got our big dump of snow. Here you see the pond half covered with fallen leaves and that is the home where philosopher Marshall Mcluhan lived that is peeking through the trees. The resident turtles must be safely burrowed away till next spring.


  1. What a pretty spot to have a home Pat, lovely peaceful reflections 💜

  2. Another one of Toronto's hidden gems. You certainly get around Pat.
    PS: The Muhammad Ali vs. George Chuvalo heritage plaque located at 109 Ossington Avenue on the east side between Queen Street West and Dundas Street West.

  3. Hello,

    It is a pretty spot to have a home! Enjoy your day!

  4. What a pretty scene. It looks like you are out in the country.

  5. Lovely fall pond. Yes, Marshall McLuhan had great insight into our age of media, and he was influenced by his professor Harald Innis.

  6. A pretty scene!
    Have a great day!

  7. A peaceful place to have a home.

  8. Quite lovely, home sweet home and I really like the title!

  9. We tend to measure our snow around here by the "flake" rather than the "dump load." :-)
