Friday, November 29, 2019


The lone holdout property owner in the city block that was Honest Ed's is now totally surrounded by a very deep pit except for the small frontage along Bathurst St. These are the supports that have been put in place on the other 3 sides to keep the building from falling into the hole. I for one would be a bit nervous in there!


  1. Hello,

    I would be nervous around there too. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

  2. ...sometimes people's timing isn't quite right.

  3. Oh my gosh, that would make me nervous too. It will be interesting to see how this turns out when everything is built up around that one property.

  4. I wonder what the holdout business thinks now. Great image, Pat.

  5. Interesting photos. This hold-out might have made a wrong choice. Like the steel pattern in your photos.

  6. Fascinating. I wonder if the builders will come up with his price eventually.

  7. Oh wow! I bet the developers are furious! I admire the house owners for holding out but it's not going to be a pleasant situation for them when the construction begins. Hopefully you can keep us up to date ✨

  8. Condos,condos. That seems to be what the politicians what now of days. Unfortunately they are not concern if the infrastructure can handle the increase in population.
