Saturday, November 9, 2019

Wet Squirrel

We have had a lot of rain lately and just after a recent shower I spotted this black squirrel having a snack up in a pine tree. You can see that the poor thing is a bit wet judging by all of the water droplets on its tail. He was keeping an eye on me but didn't stop eating!  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Great photo!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. He needs to fatten up for winter no matter the weather.

  3. Hello,

    Love the cute Black Squirrels, I only see the Gray squirrels here.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend.

  4. How beautiful! I've only seen one black squirrel and they really are unique! What a fun photo!

  5. They're not fond of getting wet. I'm used to hearing them griping in damp weather.

  6. A shower and a snack. Nice shot, Pat.

  7. Great those black squirrels. Wet and still eating. How nice.

  8. Oh it's adorable Pat, their tails are amazing! I'm glad to see a bit of rain isn't putting him off his food mission 💛

  9. It only gets tougher for the poor little guys from here on out, doesn't it?

  10. I am sure it has survived many a rain shower and will do so again. An individual in our backyard the other day was furiously gathering leaves to line its drey for the winter. And wittingly or unwittingly I make sure they are fed!

  11. Stunning photo. Poor little critter looks really cold though, bless it's wee heart.

  12. Poor baby! He needs a shelter. And a feeder full of bird seed.

  13. Even wet, he seems quite fluffy!
