Saturday, December 14, 2019

A December Scene

This male Cardinal seemed to know exactly where to pose for this winter scene captured in the gardens of the Veterans Centre at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. We are well above our average snowfall for November & December and are only 1/2 way through December. The gardens at the centre have been decorated with these deer that are interspersed with all of the bird feeders making for some fun scenes.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. ...the red of cardinals surrounded by snow is a sure sign that Christmas is coming.

  2. the cardinals are abundant this time of year. he is a plump guy and selected the perfect spot for a picture!!

  3. Love the cardinals, especially on a snowy day when the male red really stands out. It's a rainy Saturday in my part of Ontario.

  4. That is a perfect little winter scene. It even looks like the deer is watching the cardinal.

  5. Hello, pretty scene with the deer and cardinal. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks so much for leaving me a comment.

  6. If you could have posed the cardinal yourself you could't have done any better.

  7. The cardinal sure knows where to sit, get a bite and pose for a photo and al you had to do what push a button. Great teamwork, Pat. :)

  8. He's a little star posing for you 😸

  9. Perfect timing! It was so good I wasn't sure that was a real cardinal until I read your caption.

  10. Rain yesterday but I still hibernating.

  11. Smart bird to seek balance in composition. Red left than also right. Great shot.

  12. Oh my gosh that's a postcard perfect picture Pat, I love it 💜

  13. Like a Christmas Card! Nice capture!
