Sunday, December 15, 2019


These old oak trees on the grounds of Spadina House always remind me of the Ents from Tolkien's books. It is especially evident now that the leaves are gone. And you can see the wonderful stone wall around the gardens.


  1. It is a dramatic shot. I am sure that Tolkien would appreciate the connection.

  2. They look like they could talk to you.

  3. Fine old trees. Too bad we can not communicate with them like Tolkien suggests. They could tell us of a long past history.

  4. Yes! Ents often come to mind with large, old trees like these.

  5. Naked winter trees are so beautiful ✨ Pat you were saying last post that you have had above average snowfall for this time of year. Here it's exactly the opposite! December, the first month of summer is usually lovely and mild, since day one of the month we've had more 39/40C days than ever before.. as far as I'm concerned both sure fire signs of climate change!

  6. No problems with the oak procession caterpillar. Its dramatic here.
