Monday, March 30, 2020

For The Birds

It was this mural of a pigeon that caught my attention but as I neared the garage it was the sound of a lot of birds cooing from inside that was intriguing. Then I noticed the little screened in area to the right of this pic a realized that this belonged to someone with a rather large flock of pigeons. I always assume that the birds you see flying around are wild but maybe a lot of them are owned by bird fanciers.  
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. ...I didn't know that people kept pigeons these days!

  2. It's a beautiful mural Pat, if it is a pigeon fancier the mural is perfectly placed ✨

  3. Hello,

    Cute mural, they must love the pigeons. Wishing you a happy and healthy new week!

  4. How interesting. I haven't seen a place that keeps pigeons for a very long time.

  5. My dad In Poland have huge flock of pigeons. He actually breeds them and then sale. They are allow to fly and they always come back

  6. A lovely mural and a great find. I'm sure these must ave been racing pigeons, a lost art in my opinion.

  7. Maybe these pigeons are delivering messages but that would be very rare, indeed. :)

  8. Lovely mural. Keeping pigeons is an ancient hobby, and as Penelope said, they were once useful in communicating. They just have to avoid hawks and falons.

  9. A beautiful mural with a soundtrack, very cool!

  10. I like the colors on this mural. I don't know anyone who keeps pigeons. I know they used to.

  11. You asked about Covid-19 here in SD. There are now 100 cases, but so far only one death. I suspect there are few test kits available, and we are practicing common sense. So far, so good.

  12. Real and virtual. Interesting! When I was a child we had a neighbor who kept homing pigeons on his roof. It struck me as odd because the city was overrun with messy wild pigeons.

  13. If only real pigeons were as colourful as this one.

  14. A colourful mural Pat.
    Didn't people still kept pigeons.
    We have doves that visit us to see the seeds I put in the bird feeder and sometimes to nest on our lemon tree.

  15. Good colours within the mural …

    All the best Jan
