Thursday, May 7, 2020

A la Christo

The redevelopment of the Honest Ed's complex at Bathurst and Bloor St involves a block of old heritage protected buildings along Markham St. To protect them from the huge construction project around them, the fronts of the old structures have been wrapped. It reminds me a lot of the work by the artist Christo who has wrapped buildings and bridges all over the world. I will show you the backs of these places tomorrow.


  1. Hello,

    I have never seen wrapped buildings, it is good they are protecting these structures. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead.

  2. ...looks like gift wrapping!

  3. I was sorry to see Honest Ed's sold to a developer... but that's life eh.

  4. What a great comparison, it does make you think of Christo's work.

  5. Those buildings do look unusual all wrapped up. Christo is the perfect reference.

  6. I wonder if it will be successful when done. Honest Ed's seemed like an institution.
    About the aged 70 and up people, they could not go for exercise or grocery shopping. People delivered their food. They stayed in for almost 7 weeks until this week. We saw some of them on our walk and they were very happy to be out and about even if it was only 5km restriction. Got to love them for their sacrifice.

  7. Except if Christo had done it the wrap would be hot pink or bright orange!

  8. Is this the budget Christo?

  9. It's good that they are being looked after Pat.. just had a peek at some of Christo's work, astounding!

  10. Oh, yes, I remember his work in Germany. It should´ve stayed that way...
